Cherokee Wax Yellow Bush Bean
Cherokee Wax Yellow Bush Bean
Urban-(approx 12-15 seeds)
Regular-(approx 50 seeds)
*The Cherokee Wax is your standard black-seeded bean. This variety is fast maturing and easy to pick. The Cherokee bean is a great black bean for your home garden. This bean plant will have mature beans in just 50 days. The Cherokee Wax has a great flavor, tender nutty flavor, making them an excellent cooking bean.
*50-60 days
*Prefer full sun, at least 6-8 hours a day.
*The soil temperature should be above 60°F before planting for best germination rates, and they do best with soil temperatures in the 70-80°F range.
*Depth: 1-1.5 inches deep, maybe 2 inches deep in the summer for a fall planting.
*Plant rows 2.5 to 3' apart. After the beans are up, thin the plants to 3 to 4 inches apart.