Hulless Oats-Streaker
Hulless Oats-Streaker
Urban-(approx 25 seeds)
Regular-(approx 250 seeds)
No hulls to remove. When harvested and threshed, the oat kernels are almost free of the tough, inedible hulls of common oats. After winnowing, the grain is ready to cook for oatmeal or grind for oat flour. Remove any lingering hulls by floating them off in water, then air-drying the grain. The oatstraw, the green leafy stems, can be harvested for tea. For a winter cover crop, sow in late summer; in cold areas, oats will get winter-killed when temperatures drop below 10°F, For grain production sow seeds in early spring for a late summer harvest. Great variety for small farm or hobby gardener as, after threshing and winnowing, kernels are ready to eat or mill, no dehulling equipment needed! Sow in early spring. Grows up to 4 feet.
For cooking: soak in water: what little hull remains will float and may be swept away.
As feed grain: The lack of hull lowers the crude fiber levels and improves digestiblity compared to common oats. Higher in protein than other small grains, but not higher in lysine.
Days to Maturity-100-120 for grain production
Planting Depth-1-2"
Plant Spacing-3"
Full Sun Exposure
Frost Hardy-Can be planted in early fall for winter crop but can't make it below 10 degrees F.